“Theses for the European energy future“

The ERIG Theses for the European Energy Future show a possible pathway to achieve international and European climate goals. The document presents a holistic approach considering not only the energy sector itself, but also social acceptance and economic feasibility. Since the time and the CO2 budget are limited, the need arises for starting a realisticprocess […]
Renewable Power‐to‐Gas. A Technical and Economic Evaluation of Three Demo Sites Within the STORE&GO Project
Renewable Power‐to‐Gas. A Technical and Economic Evaluation of Three Demo Sites Within the STORE&GO Project Click here to be redirected to the article
Deliverable 6.6 Report on the impact of PtG on selected scenarios
Deliverable 6.6 Report on the impact of PtG on selected scenarios This Deliverable presents the results obtained by investigating the interaction between the future electricity transmission system and the Power-to-Gas (PtG) technology. In the framework of the project STORE&GO, Work Package 6 (WP6) focused on the modelling and simulation of PtG into the electricity system, […]
European Commission – Renewably created, long-term energy storage through methane
European Commission – Renewably created, long-term energy storage through methane Click here to be forwarded to the complete article on cordis.europa.eu
EU-Leuchtturmprojekt STORE&GO erfolgreich abgeschlossen
U-Leuchtturmprojekt STORE&GO erfolgreich abgeschlossen Click here to download the complete article Also available at: www.energie-wasser-praxis.de
Projecting cost development for future large-scale power-to-gas implementations by scaling effects
Projecting cost development for future large-scale power-to-gas implementations by scaling effects Click here to be redirected to the article
17th to 18th Febuary, 2020 – Final STORE&GO Conference in Karlsruhe, Germany

17th to 18th Febuary, 2020 – Final STORE&GO Conference in Karlsruhe, Germany Karlsruhe, February 18, 2020 – The largest power-to-gas research project is coming to an end. At the final conference in Karlsruhe, STORE&GO and its partners shared with the scientific community the results and successes that have been achieved over the past four years. […]
Insights on a Methanation Catalyst Aging Process: Aging Characterization and Kinetic Study
Insights on a Methanation Catalyst Aging Process: Aging Characterization and Kinetic Study Click here to download the complete article
Deliverable 6.7 Final report „PtG grid integration experiments“
Deliverable 6.7 Final report „PtG grid integration experiments“ This Deliverable focused in particular on how to integrate the information about the facilities replicating the real world condition into a simulation environment. For doing this, the concept of remote Physical Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) has been used and exploited. Remote simulation with physical hardware appears to be an […]
Deliverable 5.10 Report on economic analysis of test cases
Deliverable 5.10 Report on economic analysis of test cases This report deals with the economic aspects of SNG injection for different combinations of SNG plants and gas networks, as well as of optimised operation schemes for the gas networks. Next to the demo plants and the connected gas grids from within this project, combinations of […]