The kick-off masterclass “Power-to-(the)-molecules” took place in the beginning of November in Groningen, 2018. The masterclass was the first edition of a series of eight workshops that are organized by the Energy Delta Institute (EDI) in Groningen under the flagship of the Horizon 2020 project STORE&GO.
The energy professionals from various fields (academic, local government and industry) have actively participated in the event, in which the participants were introduced to the basics of power-to-gas technologies and were tutored to focus on an economical case study. Overall, it was a fruitful learning activity and a great networking event. The participants had the chance to exchange their own experiences with each other and were very glad to learn more about the STORE&GO project and the technologies at their three demonstration sites in Germany, Switzerland and in Italy.
The power-to-gas process chain is expected to play a significant role in the future energy system. With the power-to-gas technology, flexible renewable energy resources can be transformed into storable methane – synthetic natural gas (SNG) – via electrolysis and subsequent methanation.
The training series covers the knowledge gathered within the STORE&GO program and disseminates this knowledge to ensure the development of an interdisciplinary skillset – including regulatory, technical, economic and social aspects. The integration of energy systems (electric, molecules and heat) requires bi-directional understanding between the various stakeholders involved. By sharing knowledge about these various aspects the STORE&GO project aims to contribute to this and ultimately to a more effective and cost-efficient energy transition.
A few impressions and notes from the masterclass can be seen below, which were taken by one of the participants.
(Visual notes are from Tineke von der Meij, EnergyGardenNL,
If you are interested in participating in one of the upcoming masterclasses, please contact EDI about the possibilities and find out where the next masterclass will take place. More information about the masterclass and the upcoming editions can be found here.