3. July 2019 STORE&GO Full Project Meeting

On the 2nd to the 4th of July 2019 STORE&GO consortium gathered for their latest Full Project Meeting in the great city of Rapperswil (Switzerland) to inform each other about the latest results generated within the project and to focus on specific topics in the organized workshops.

On the 2nd to the 4th of July 2019 STORE&GO consortium gathered for their latest Full Project Meeting in the great city of Rapperswil (Switzerland) to inform each other about the latest results generated within the project and to focus on specific topics in the organized workshops.

One of the great achievments in recent month has been that now all three demosites (Falkenhagen, Solothurn & Troia) are running and are able to provide the consortium with creditable data from production for further analysis.

Furthermore the partners spend a lot of time in different workshops, analysing the first raw data from the three demosites and their opperation time. Another topic of one of the workshops was to evaluate different business case scenarios for Power-to-Gas under the assumption of a various number of future scenarios regarding the european energy system and future political decisions. A major focus was also the workshop regarding the the „STORE&GO Roadmap“, which will be a European PtG roadmap that contains recommendations regarding which applications PtG may serve in the short-, mid- and long-term and is a central outcome of the project.

To round up the STORE&GO Full Project Meeting in Rapperswil the partners were able to visit a PtG demonstration site near the University of Rapperswil, which also included a CNG gas station.