Welcome to the content of the virtual booth of ERIG @ gat|wat 2021 and the European Gas and Energy Research and Innovations Days (EGERID) hosted by SuperP2G, HIGGS and MefHySto.


Opening Day

Opening of the Europepean Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days


Highlight research relating to ERIG Country Members


Day 2 – P2G in the regional Context

Introduction to the topic of the day

  • Welcome and Opening, Prof Marie Münster, DTU
  • “Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems” Keynote by Fredrik Lundström, ERA-Net and Swedish Energy Agency
  • Keynote by Peter Kristensen, EVIDA
  • The SuperP2G Project, Prof Marie Münster, DTU

The business case for H2


Power to Gas in the regional context – panel discussion

Deep Dive Workshops

  • Allocation, size and operation of P2G in the future energy system – Francesco Sergi (ITAE), Alessandro Guzzini (UNIBO),
    Frank Fischer (DBI)
  • Economics of power-to-gas: Imports and offering flexibility – Peter Perey, Xinyu Li, Sina Ghaemi (all University of Groningen)

Day 3 – Hydrogen Tolerance of the Gas Infrastructure

Introduction to the topic of the day


Focus on Transport

Focus on Utilisation


Panel Discussion

Deep Dive Workshops


Day 4 – Hydrogen Handling and Metrology

Introduction to the topic of the day


Focus on Hydrogen Storage


Focus on Metrology in Hydrogen Mobility


Panel Discussion

Deep Dive Workshops

  • Online ppb – Hydrogen quality influences along the value chain – Dr. Michael Maiwald (BAM) and Thomas Bacquart (NPL)
  • Equation of State for H2 and Natural Gas mixtures – David Vega-Maza, UVA

Day 5 – Review, summary and outlook

Reflections of the ERIG Research Community

Summary and review of the Deep Dives

Summary and review of the conference by SuperP2G, HIGGS and MefHySto


About the hosting projects of this years EGERID


Super P2G – Synergies utilising renewable power regionally by means of power-to-gas

Objectives: Lowering the threshold for need-owners to validate and put power to gas to practice for “Smart Energy Systems”, “Sectorial Integration” as well as “Local and Regional development”.

Background and purpose: The increasing use of renewable energies calls for sector coupling with storage elements such as power to gas technologies. The project aims to design an internationally applicable assessment tool and point out potential areas of application or case studies in Europe. To this end, SuperP2G links leading power-to-gas initiatives from five European countries and increases the visibility of power to gas across Europe.

Learn more: Check out the fact sheet in the documents tab in this infobox and/or visit the project website: www.superp2g.eu

HIGGS – Hydrogen in Gas Grids

Objectives: Determining the hydrogen compatibility of the high-pressure gas transmission grid and compilation of data on pan-European rules, standards and certificates for hydrogen blends with natural gas at volumes up to 100 per cent.

Background and purpose: The EU Directives on energy and the environment stipulate a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 45 % by the year 2030. Hydrogen from renewable sources can help meet this target. The existing natural gas grids are able to transmit hydrogen. The HIGGS project investigates the impact of blending and transmitting hydrogen through the natural gas grid.

Learn more: Check out the fact sheet in the documents tab in this infobox and/or visit the project website: www.higgsproject.eu

MefHySto – Metrology for Advanced Hydrogen Storage Solutions

Objectives: Investigation and advancement of high-precision metrology techniques and methods as well as of relevant hydrogen standards and sets of rules for different hydrogen storage solutions.

Background and purpose: The chemical storage of hydrogen promises to be the go-to solution for storing volatile energy produced from renewable sources and avoiding energy supply interruptions. This, however, requires reliable metrology techniques, standards, reference methods and suitable materials, which the MefHySto project aims to develop.

Learn more: Check out the fact sheet in the documents tab in this infobox and/or visit the project website: www.mefhysto.eu