Conference about H2 and climate-neutral gases in Europe: Austria’s contributions & opportunities

ERIG Theses for the European energy future serves as setting for the „Beitrag von H2 und klimaneutralen Gasen zur Energiewende „ that was launched on May 31st 2021.

On June 16th 2021, there will be an additional panel discussion about the opportunities for Austria for the use of climate-neutral gases and existing gas infrastructures. It will be examined how Austria can benefit from the energy transition towards gas and electricity.

The panel participants will give introductory statements and be present for discussion with audience questions:

  • Hans Rasmusson, Secretary General ERIG
  • Matthijs SOEDE, Mission Hydrogen Coordinator EU
  • Peter Weinelt, Wiener Stadtwerke
  • Michael Strugl, Verbund (requested)
  • Andreas X Müller, Linde Gas
  • Dirk Langhammer, OMV
  • Thomas Bürgler, voestalpine
  • Fritz Scheider, em. Prof. of Economics at JKU, Linz
  • Horst Steinmüller, WIVA P&G

The registration for this event is closed, click here for more information