ERIG Workgroup Summit 2019
The three workgroups looked back on 2019, planned the next steps to be made in 2020, and determined their research priorities for the coming year.
ERIG is now partner in numerous projects and project applications and enters a new phase of activity level.
Prof. Dimothenis Trimis from Engler-Bunte-Institut at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was elected new chair of the topic group „Renewable and Decarbonised Gas“, replacing Dr. Erik Polman from Kiwa in this function.

Furthermore, the group changed its name, adding “Decarbonised Gas” alongside with the “Renewable Gas”. This gives a more complete view of the activity field of the group as well as reflects the mutual importance of both these types of gases to the future energy system.
The leadership in the other topic groups “Smart Energy System” and “North Sea” remains unchanged Prof. Massimiliano Capezzali (School of Management and Engineering Vaud) respective Prof. Catrinus Jepma (University of Groningen).
Thomas Schubert, EU-commission, presented the forthcoming framework programme for research and innovation „Horizon Europe“. Afterwards Eva Hennig, head of policy issues at Thuega, pointed out what is necessary in Europe to get from research level to largescale industrial implementation of renewable gas technologies.
After intensive discussions in the workgroups the best efforts were honoured. The winner of last year’s ERIG Workgroup Summit „Renewable and Decarbonised Gas“ did not succeed repeating last year’s success. New pioneer is „Smart Energy System“. The group convinced with multiple project proposals in 2019 and a comprehensive work programme for 2020.
For the first time the ERIG Topic Group Challenge Trophy „The Moletron“ was awarded to the winner of the competition. „The Moletron“ symbolizes the guiding principle of ERIG of both energy worlds, gas (molecule) and electricity (electrons), integrated in an overall total system. The Trophy is therefore a perfect visualization of this central idea and will continue on to the next winner in upcoming challenges.