Hy2Market – Project meeting in Abrantes, Portugal
March 20th to 21nd 2024
On 20-21 March 2024, the third Consortium Meeting for Hy2Market took place in Abrantes, Portugal with a warm welcome from the Portuguese partners, MédioTejo21 and IrRADIARE.
During this Consortium Meeting, the attending consortium partners were provided with project updates and presentations on the work package and pilot demonstration developments. On the second day, the consortium visited the hydrogen bus demonstration taking place in the Médio Tejo region as well as the PRF – Gas Solution’s DRHYVE Portable HRS Hydrogen Solution which supplies the hydrogen bus. The hydrogen bus is operating in the public transportation in the urban circuits of eleven municipalities, currently in Abrantes and then in Tomar, within the Médio Tejo region.
Since the DRHYVE HRS Hydrogen Solution from PRF – Gas Solution is portable then both the hydrogen-powered bus as well as the portable fueling station will be able to move and operate in the two locations in the Médio Tejo region.
The Hy2Market Consortium Partners from the other European regions – Asturias, Castilla y Leon, Aragones, Rhone-Alpes, Sicily, Western Macedonia, Constanta, Upper Austria, and Northern Netherlands – could therefore experience and learn from the Médio Tejo pilot demonstration implemented in the Hy2Market project.
We look forward to supporting the Hy2Market Team, advancing hydrogen solutions for a cleaner, more sustainable future.