The ERIG Theses for the European Energy Future show a possible pathway to achieve international and European climate goals. The document presents a
holistic approach considering not only the energy sector itself, but also social acceptance and economic feasibility. Since the time and the CO2 budget are limited, the need arises for starting a realisticprocess immediately.
The main guiding principles to reach climate neutrality and a socially acceptable circular economy are:
- Quality − suggestions for actions must be based on accountable research and realistic projectionsof possible developments
- Completeness − time, existing infrastructure, and overall systemic effects must be primary considerations
- Feasibility − Disruption must be minimised forsocial acceptance and feasibility
These guiding principles are considered and expressed in three theses for a successful energy transition:
- Gas at the centre − gas is the key factor in achieving an integrated energy system of electron- and molecule-based energy carriers
- Multi-gas not mono-gas − All types of energy gas should be considered and deployed on the market based on their GHG reduction potential
- Gas is an R&D priority − R&D efforts for gas solutions must be intensified
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