Review to EGATEC 2024 – June 18th-19th in Hamburg

We look back to a great EGATEC2024, held from June, 18th to 19th, 2024, in Hamburg at the Atlantic Hotel, organized by MARCOGAZ and GERG – European Gas Research Group, supported by ERIG – European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation AISBL, and hosted by DVGW (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water), […]

EGATEC 2024 – June 18-19th in Hamburg

ERIG is supporting the 6th European Gas Technology Conference (EGATEC), taking place in Hamburg from June 18th to 19th, 2024. EGATEC 2024 brings together high-level representatives from the European gas industry, universities, companies, and other stakeholders. This platform facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience related to the challenges and opportunities posed by the energy transition and decarbonization […]

Review Wind Meets Gas 2023 on October 12th and 13th at Martinikerk in Groningen

Review Wind Meets Gas 2023 on October 12th and 13th at Martinikerk in Groningen We were glad taking part on Wind meets Gas in Groningen which took place on October 12th and 13th in the traditional Martinikerk in Groningen and was organized by one of our country member, New Energy Coalition. Wind meets gas was […]

HIGGS-Closing Conference during EU Hydrogen Week on November 21st 2023 in Brussels

HIGGS-Closing Conference during EU Hydrogen Week on November 21st 2023 in Brussels IMPORTANT! To access the events live stream, please use the following link (open on 21st of November from 8:30 to 13:00 CET): – live stream is closed – The HIGGS project aims to demonstrate that the safe injection of hydrogen into the EU […]

Review on the Closing Conference MefHySto July 03.-05.2023 at BAM in Berlin

Review on the Closing Conference MefHySto July 03.-05.2023 at BAM in Berlin The MefHySto Closing Conference took place from the 3rd to 5th July 2023 in Berlin at BAM (Federal Association for Material Science), hosted by BAM and co-organized by ERIG – European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation. It was a great event and we had […]

Closing Conference MefHySto July 03.-05.07.2023 at BAM in Berlin

Closing Conference MefHySto July 03.-05.2023 at BAM in Berlin The European project MefHySto (funded by the European Metrology Programme on Innovation and Research (EMPIR))addresses the need of large-scale energy storage and metrology solutions around the hydrogen value chain, which are required for a successful energy transition. Large-scale energy storage is required to provide energy during […]

CIM , 21st International Metrology Congress 07.-10.03.2023 in Lyon, France

CIM – March 07th-10th 2023 in Lyon, France 21st International Metrology Congress ERIG will be part of the International Metrology Congress by Global Industrie from the 7th to 10th of March 2023 in Lyon. There we will present, besides others, recent project activities and results of the MefHySto Project ( on an exhibition stand. The […]

Kick-Off meeting Hy2Market March 22nd 2023 in Brussels

Kick-Off meeting Hy2Market March 22nd 2023 in Brussels On March 22nd  2023 the Kick-off meeting of the new project Hy2Market takes place in Brussels. The project partners will come together with the partner regions that work on different innovations to boost the production, transport and use of green hydrogen. From each region, companies and research […]

“Evening Policy Talk” on March 22nd 2023 in Brussels

“The relevance of P2G and regional development in the energy crisis” Evening Policy Talk  – March 22nd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels Hydrogen has a central role in the implementation of the European Green Deal. This is manifested in the EU Hydrogen Strategy and further underlined in the ambition for renewable hydrogen in RePower […]

SuperP2G-Closing Conference in Brussels on 23.03.2023

„Synergies utilising renewable power regionally by means of Power-To-Gas” SuperP2G Closing Conference on March 23rd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels SuperP2G interconnects leading P2G initiatives in five countries, ensuring joint learning. Each national project focuses on different challenges, where researchers team up with local need-owners to co-create solutions. SuperP2G focuses on improving existing evaluation […]