Review to EGATEC 2024 – June 18th-19th in Hamburg

We look back to a great EGATEC2024, held from June, 18th to 19th, 2024, in Hamburg at the Atlantic Hotel, organized by MARCOGAZ and GERG – European Gas Research Group, supported by ERIG – European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation AISBL, and hosted by DVGW (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water), […]

DelHyVEHR homepage is online

DelHyVEHR homepage is online The brand new homepage for the DelHyVEHR project, designed by ERIG, is now live! Visit us at to stay updated on all project activities and explore our latest results.  The DelHyVEHR project (Delivery of Liquid Hydrogen for Various Environments at High Rate) is pioneering the future of clean energy by […]

Letter of Intent was signed with Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley Association

Letter of Intent was signed with Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley Association during H2Poland conference on 25th April 2024 We are pleased to announce that today during the H2Poland conference at the stand of ARP, a Letter of Intent was signed from the Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley Association and ERIG with the aim of developing the […]

Hy2Market – Project meeting in Abrantes Portugal

Hy2Market – Project meeting in Abrantes, Portugal March 20th to 21nd 2024  On 20-21 March 2024, the third Consortium Meeting for Hy2Market took place in Abrantes, Portugal with a warm welcome from the Portuguese partners, MédioTejo21 and IrRADIARE. During this Consortium Meeting, the attending consortium partners were provided with project updates and presentations on the work […]

EGATEC 2024 – June 18-19th in Hamburg

ERIG is supporting the 6th European Gas Technology Conference (EGATEC), taking place in Hamburg from June 18th to 19th, 2024. EGATEC 2024 brings together high-level representatives from the European gas industry, universities, companies, and other stakeholders. This platform facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience related to the challenges and opportunities posed by the energy transition and decarbonization […]

EGATEC 2024 – Poster Exhibition – call for abstracts

ERIG supports the 6th European Gas Technology Conference (EGATEC taking place in Hamburg from June 18th to 19th, 2024. A scientific poster exhibition is part of the EGATEC 2024. Researchers and industry stakehoders engaged in innovation in gas technologies are invited to share research findings, technological breakthroughs and innovative ideas. The theme spans from hydrogen and biogas to […]

DelHyVEHR – Kick-Off meeting in Paris on January 29th-30th

DelHyVEHR – (Delivery of Liquid Hydrogen for Various Environment at High Rate) – Kick-Off meeting in Paris on  January 29th and 30th 2024 The DelHyVEHR project has officially kicked off its start with the goal to make liquid hydrogen distribution viable and therefore making it accessible as a clean energy carrier across various industries. Hosted […]

Perspectives on green hydrogen in Europe – during an energy crisis and towards future climate neutrality

Perspectives on green hydrogen in Europe –during an energy crisis and towards future climate neutrality Hydrogen and regional energy infrastructure are significant for the European Green Deal and was focus of the SuperP2G research project (Synergies Utilising renewable Power Regionally by means of Power to Gas). Five national projects (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and Italy) […]

Learnbook on hydrogen imports

Learnbook on hydrogen imports – published on 21st December 2023 The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance published its Learnbook on Hydrogen imports, which is intended to serve as an overview document and reference point for discussions on hydrogen imports. ERIG is official member of the alliance and has supported the development of the learnbook within our […]