MefHySto Kick-off Event

MefHySto Kick-off event On September 20th 2020 the kick-off online event was a good three day long start into the event and the first meeting of all project partners together. It was the laying of the foundation stone, on which the future project will be built on. The event started with and a brief overview of […]
Gerald Linke elected President of ERIG

Gerald Linke elected President of ERIG Prof. Gerald Linke was elected on June 23rd, 2020 as President of the European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation (ERIG). Well-known in the European and international energy community, he currently holds the position as Chairman of the Board of Directors Energy at the German Technical and Scientific Association […]
STORE&GO Power-to-Gas Roadmap published

STORE&GO Power-to-Gas Roadmap published The STORE&GO project finished in February 2020 after four successful years. Now the STORE&GO Power-to-Gas Roadmap got released after some delay due to problems when printing the brochure. The Roadmap features a summery of the new EU Gas intentions and compares them to the Roadmap of STORE&GO. The Roadmap is […]
17th to 18th Febuary, 2020 – Final STORE&GO Conference in Karlsruhe, Germany

17th to 18th February, 2020 – Final STORE&GO Conference in Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, February 18, 2020 – The largest power-to-gas research project is coming to an end. At the final conference in Karlsruhe, STORE&GO and its partners shared with the scientific community the results and successes that have been achieved over the past four years. Nearly […]
ERIG Workgroup Summit 2019

ERIG Workgroup Summit 2019 On december 4th, 2019, the annual ERIG Workgroup Summit took place in Brussels. It was the first Workgroup Summit that was conducted by ERIG a.i.s.b.l. as legal identity. The three workgroups looked back on 2019, planned the next steps to be made in 2020, and determined their research priorities for the […]
ERIG welcomes its newest country member

Brussels, December 3, 2019 – ERIG announced today it has further expanded its international network of members by welcoming the Slovak Gas and Oil Association (SGOA). This entity represents Slovakia’s energy industry and research community. “Slovakia is one of the most important EU countries in terms of transmission of natural gas”, told General Secretary of […]
The HIGGS Project has been launched

The HIGGS Project has been launched The project targets crucial aspects on the way to a decarbonised european gas-grid. The main aim of the project is to analyse the existing potential and requirements of the gas-infrastructure, its components and its management. To start it all off, the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies […]
The STORE&GO project finished

The STORE&GO project is finished The STORE&GO project, that started in 2016 and has been running up to now finished. The project focused on Power-to-Gas, to produce energy gas out of green electricity and to use the gas again to transfer it back to electricity. Part of the project was also, to show the importance […]
The SuperP2G kick-off meeting

The SuperP2G kick-off The SuperP2G has been launched! The project targets crucial aspects to lower the threshold for need-owners to validate and put P2G to practice. On 11 November the first kick-off meeting of the SuperP2G project took place in Leipzig, Germany. All participants of the project joined together to discuss goals, objectives and […]
ERIG Conference & Workgroup Summit 2017 in Brussels

ERIG-Conference Workgroup Summit 2017 in Brussels This year we have the motto “Connecting electrons and molecules – the role of the energy infrastructure” and will discuss how well this approach is reflected in the EU research strategy and upcoming Horizon 2018-2020 programme. ERIG Conference & Workgroup Summit 2017 It is a two day event […]