European Gas and Energy Research and Innovations Days (EGERID)

Welcome to the content of the virtual booth of ERIG @ gat|wat 2021 and the European Gas and Energy Research and Innovations Days (EGERID) hosted by SuperP2G, HIGGS and MefHySto. Opening Day Opening of the Europepean Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days Opening by ERIG President, Dr. Gerald Linke Keynote – The Gas Strategy within the EU Green Deal […]
EGERID Live is now concluded – but the event is still open

EGERID Live is now concluded – but the event is still open We proudly look back at the European Gas and Energy Research Innovation Days, which successfully took place last week. During five days of program, a variety of stakeholders participated in six hours of presentations, ten hours of deep dive workshops, and nine hours […]
European Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days

European Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days Online partner event on November 15-19th at gat | wat 2021 ERIG is organizing an online partner event “European Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days” at gat | wat 2021. You will have the opportunity to participate in the online conference and the thematic deep dives […]
Royal opening at Wind Meets Gas symposium

Royal opening at Wind Meets Gas symposium King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands addressed the 5th Wind Meets Gas symposium in the city of Groningen. Around 400 energy specialists and policy makers came together from the 7th to 8th of October at the invitation of New Energy Coalition to work on the sustainable energy system of […]
Wind Meets Gas symposium with a royal touch

Wind Meets Gas symposium with a royal touch On 7 and 8 October, energy experts and policy makers from the Netherlands and abroad will meet in Groningen for the 5th Wind Meets Gas symposium. His Majesty King Willem-Alexander will be present as the guest of honour and will give the opening address. Diederik Samsom, Chief of […]
Call for Publications

Call for Publications Building on the „ERIG Theses for the European energy future“ we bid you the opportunity to publish results and summaries of your scientific work and activities in research and innovation addressed withing that context. Following the guiding principles and the three theses, ERIG forsees to publish the collected contributions in three dossiers: “Progress […]
Conference about H2 and climate-neutral gases in Europe: Austria’s contributions & opportunities

Conference about H2 and climate-neutral gases in Europe: Austria’s contributions & opportunities ERIG Theses for the European energy future serves as setting for the „Beitrag von H2 und klimaneutralen Gasen zur Energiewende „ that was launched on May 31st 2021. On June 16th 2021, there will be an additional panel discussion about the opportunities for […]
Hydrogen Roadmaps & P2G Demo Projects Deep Dive Events

Hydrogen Roadmaps & P2G Demo Projects Deep Dive Event What is it about? The „Hydrogen Roadmaps & P2G Demo Projects Deep Dives“ are a series of short online workshops hosted by the SuperP2G project that address specific topics connected to Hydrogen Roadmaps, P2G Demo Projects and the SuperP2G project itself. The workshops are exclusively for […]
Effects of European CO2-Regulations for Vehicles on the European Energy System

ERIG presents technical paper: Effects of European CO2-Regulations for Vehicles on the European Energy System Brussels, June 1st 2021 – The European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation (ERIG) has published their technical paper “Effects of European CO2-Regulations for Vehicles on the European Energy System”. The current EU ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have recently […]
Successful green deal in Europe with gas and energy innovation

Successful green deal in Europe with gas and energy innovation Brüssel, May 20th 2021 – The European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation (ERIG) has published their „Theses for the European energy future“. This document defines a path for the future development of the European energy sector in line with the ambitions of the EU Green Deal. The overall […]