Latest News
- The European Hydrogen Week will take place on 18-22 November in Brussels and it is organised by Hydrogen Europe, together with the European Commission and the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. This is the go-to-event to explore opportunities and be fuelled by ideas and new concepts all around hydrogen! People come to discover, learn, network, and be […]read more
Latest Events
- 8th Wind meets Gas 2024, 3-4 October 2024 in Groningen, Netherlands! ERIG is looking forward to the 8th Wind meets gas 2024 in the traditional Martinikerk in Groningen hosted by our partner NewEnergyCoalition. It is the event in the Northern Netherlands on hydrogen and offshore energy. The Leading conference north sea is an excellent opportunity […]read more
- We look back on an exciting event that took place on 6th November 2024 in Vienna and was hosted by our partner ÖVGW. It was a successful event that provided an insight into current research, specific projects and the situation in Austria’s neighbouring countries. National and international experts and stakeholders …read more
- We had the pleasure of attending the Wind meets Gas 2024 event and it was filled with valuable discussions and networking opportunities.It was 2 days full of interesting impressions and high-leveled presentations in a very exceptional atmosphere. Day 1: Barriers and Enablers to Realize Large Scale Energy Investments The 3rd of …read more
- DelHyVEHR homepage is online The brand new homepage for the DelHyVEHR project, designed by ERIG, is now live! Visit us at to stay updated on all project activities and explore our latest results. The DelHyVEHR project (Delivery of Liquid Hydrogen for Various Environments at High Rate) is pioneering the …read more
- Letter of Intent was signed with Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley Association during H2Poland conference on 25th April 2024 We are pleased to announce that today during the H2Poland conference at the stand of ARP, a Letter of Intent was signed from the Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley Association and ERIG with …read more
- Hy2Market – Project meeting in Abrantes, Portugal March 20th to 21nd 2024 On 20-21 March 2024, the third Consortium Meeting for Hy2Market took place in Abrantes, Portugal with a warm welcome from the Portuguese partners, MédioTejo21 and IrRADIARE. During this Consortium Meeting, the attending consortium partners were provided with project updates …read more
- ERIG supports the 6th European Gas Technology Conference (EGATEC taking place in Hamburg from June 18th to 19th, 2024. A scientific poster exhibition is part of the EGATEC 2024. Researchers and industry stakehoders engaged in innovation in gas technologies are invited to share research findings, technological breakthroughs and innovative ideas. The theme spans …read more
- DelHyVEHR – (Delivery of Liquid Hydrogen for Various Environment at High Rate) – Kick-Off meeting in Paris on January 29th and 30th 2024 The DelHyVEHR project has officially kicked off its start with the goal to make liquid hydrogen distribution viable and therefore making it accessible as a clean energy …read more
- Perspectives on green hydrogen in Europe –during an energy crisis and towards future climate neutrality Hydrogen and regional energy infrastructure are significant for the European Green Deal and was focus of the SuperP2G research project (Synergies Utilising renewable Power Regionally by means of Power to Gas). Five national projects (Denmark, …read more
- Learnbook on hydrogen imports – published on 21st December 2023 The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance published its Learnbook on Hydrogen imports, which is intended to serve as an overview document and reference point for discussions on hydrogen imports. ERIG is official member of the alliance and has supported the development …read more
- Review on the HIGGS Closing Conference in Brussels from 20th November to 21st November 2023 The HIGGS – Hydrogen in Gas Grids – Closing-Conference took place as part of the European Hydrogen Week in Brussels at the Brussels Expo. For ERIG those have been very eventful days.On Monday, 20th November, …read more
- HIGGS Project Brochure – Systematic validation of hydrogen admixture into the high pressure gas grid The HIGGS Project Brochure summarizes the most important results and experiences made during the HIGGS project. It includes main outcomes and links to reports, publications and deliverables It focuses, besides others, on the 3 main Topics …read more
- New ERIG-study on long haul heavy duty road transport emission reduction potential of different technologies to 2030 Brussels, July, 2023 – Study on Renewable Long-Haul Road Transport Considering Technology Improvements and European Infrastructures (ReHaul) published Following up on the technical paper on the“Effects of European CO2-Regulations for Vehicles on the …read more
- Hydrogen in Gas GridS – Test-Platform to examine the effect of H2 on gas grid components and steels – YouTube „Test-Platform to examine the effect of H2 on gas grid components and steels“-video is online. Within the framework of our project a test-platform has been planned, built, and run to …read more
- Review on our SuperP2G Closing Conference on March 23rd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels „Synergies utilising renewable power regionally by means of Power-To-Gas” A big thank you to all the participants from our closing conference of our project! We really enjoyed the discussions and were happy that our new …read more
- Review on the „Evening Policy Talk“ – March 22nd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels „The relevance of P2G and regional development in the energy crisis“ On the 22nd of March, in conjunction with the Kick-off of the Project Hy2Market and SuperP2G, ERIG organised an evening policy talk on the topic of „The …read more
- On 17th and 18th September 2024 the annual flagship event of the gas and water industry DVGW Kongress 2024 (former GAT/WAT) will take place at Vienna House by Windham Andel’s in Berlin. ERIG will be there and present its projects DelHyVEHR, Hy2Market, HIGGS and MefHySTO at the DVGW-Lounge. The dialogue-oriented …read more
- We look back to a great EGATEC2024, held from June, 18th to 19th, 2024, in Hamburg at the Atlantic Hotel, organized by MARCOGAZ and GERG – European Gas Research Group, supported by ERIG – European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation AISBL, and hosted by DVGW (German Technical and Scientific …read more
- ERIG is supporting the 6th European Gas Technology Conference (EGATEC), taking place in Hamburg from June 18th to 19th, 2024. EGATEC 2024 brings together high-level representatives from the European gas industry, universities, companies, and other stakeholders. This platform facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience related to the challenges and opportunities posed by …read more
- Review Wind Meets Gas 2023 on October 12th and 13th at Martinikerk in Groningen We were glad taking part on Wind meets Gas in Groningen which took place on October 12th and 13th in the traditional Martinikerk in Groningen and was organized by one of our country member, New Energy …read more
- HIGGS-Closing Conference during EU Hydrogen Week on November 21st 2023 in Brussels IMPORTANT! To access the events live stream, please use the following link (open on 21st of November from 8:30 to 13:00 CET): – live stream is closed – The HIGGS project aims to demonstrate that the safe injection …read more
- Review on the Closing Conference MefHySto July 03.-05.2023 at BAM in Berlin The MefHySto Closing Conference took place from the 3rd to 5th July 2023 in Berlin at BAM (Federal Association for Material Science), hosted by BAM and co-organized by ERIG – European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation. It was a …read more
- Closing Conference MefHySto July 03.-05.2023 at BAM in Berlin The European project MefHySto (funded by the European Metrology Programme on Innovation and Research (EMPIR))addresses the need of large-scale energy storage and metrology solutions around the hydrogen value chain, which are required for a successful energy transition. Large-scale energy storage is …read more
- CIM – March 07th-10th 2023 in Lyon, France 21st International Metrology Congress ERIG will be part of the International Metrology Congress by Global Industrie from the 7th to 10th of March 2023 in Lyon. There we will present, besides others, recent project activities and results of the MefHySto Project ( …read more
- Kick-Off meeting Hy2Market March 22nd 2023 in Brussels On March 22nd 2023 the Kick-off meeting of the new project Hy2Market takes place in Brussels. The project partners will come together with the partner regions that work on different innovations to boost the production, transport and use of green hydrogen. From …read more
- „The relevance of P2G and regional development in the energy crisis“ Evening Policy Talk – March 22nd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels Hydrogen has a central role in the implementation of the European Green Deal. This is manifested in the EU Hydrogen Strategy and further underlined in the ambition …read more
- „Synergies utilising renewable power regionally by means of Power-To-Gas” SuperP2G Closing Conference on March 23rd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels SuperP2G interconnects leading P2G initiatives in five countries, ensuring joint learning. Each national project focuses on different challenges, where researchers team up with local need-owners to co-create solutions. SuperP2G …read more
- HyDelta 2.0 Webinars ERIG supports the HyDelta project of its dutch partner New Energy Coalition. HyDelta Home – HyDelta is a public-private partnership, a Dutch national research program and collaboration facilitating the large-scale implementation of hydrogen in the Netherlands. This program focused on researching the transport or blending of hydrogen …read more
- Webinar: Roadmap towards a GW hydrogen plant ERIG is very pleased to announce the Webinar: Roadmap towards a GW hydrogen plant presented by HyNetherlands (part of Engie) & @HEAVENN (coordinator: New Energy Coalition) The 100 MWe ENGIE H2 plant has the objective to be a fast-track large-scale demonstration project to …read more
- European Hydrogen Week 2022 ERIG is glad to support the European Hydrogen Week, taking place in Brussels on 24-28 October 2022. The European Hydrogen Week will be the go-to event to explore opportunities and be fuelled by ideas and new concepts. People come to discover, learn, network and be inspired. …read more
- Hydrogen Dialog Nürnberg 2022 The Hydrogen Dialog in Nuremberg was all about hydrogen and the question if green hydrogen technology is the answer to the world’s energy problems. Energy supplies, climate change, and energy sector transformation are challenges facing every country. It’s why the argument for hydrogen is gaining momentum. …read more